Tuesday, June 20, 2006

For starters...

An exercise: sit down and think about your life - your career, your marriage, your relationships, your finances - and think about your troubles... Thought of something? What is your top three? What's really making you worry or stressed?

Was one of them the notion that some gay people want to get married? That one causing you and your husband to fight? Probably not. How about whether or not we burn flags? Or is it all the abortions happening everywhere that is keeping you from spending more time with your kids? And lets be real: is the repeal of the estate tax going to make it easier to pay off your credit card debt?

My point is that the things that are really important in our lives are not the things that our government cares about. They aren't the things that the media investigates. Non-issues clutter our political landscape and the result is that government does nothing - no, NOTHING - to make most American lives better.

Our issues? Debt. Family time. Education. The legacies we leave the next generation: a home, a meager inheritance, a budget surplus, an art scene, a planet. Time for us to refocus. And to take our culture with us.