Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quotable Marquez:

“She discovered with great delight that one does not love one's children just because they are one's children but because of the friendship formed while raising them.”

SUV Conquers Moms

These are the moms I know: educated and/or intelligent, studious with regard to parenting issues, eager consumers of organic foods & products, concerned with our environmental legacy, and fastidious with regard to child safety issues. Well, fastidious to a point.

You see, the mom's I know, by and large, show their Achilles heel when it comes to Car Cool. These moms cannot bear the thought of driving or being seen in a minivan. And, when it came time for many of us to consider having a second child, the truth was revealed: these otherwise smart, eco-conscious moms would be upgrading to an SUV.

It is, I think, the ultimate triumph of the Detroit automakers. These women are convinced that a minivan just plain sucks. Yeah, that's right. THIS minivan. This marvel of parent/child-oriented design. About the only thing that could make this car more perfect for families would be if you made it a hybrid. Oh - wait. There you go.

Not to mention that these loving mommies are more likely to hurt themselves, their children or other people's children in their SUVs.

Way to go, Detroit. You won. And it makes me scared behind the wheel of my Subaru.