Thursday, February 26, 2009

First thoughts on the President's budget proposal

Three things stand out:

1) Record deficit. I'm mindful of it, but not fearful. Leaving my children a deficit that their generation needs to pay off doesn't frighten me when I know that we're bringing our nation up to date infrastructurally and technologically. This country has been crumbling and gone from ranch home to tract home to mobile home over the last 30 years. Its time to bring the country back.

And, frankly, I firmly believe that my generation can pay off this deficit. We've done it before and with a little ingenuity and ambition, we can do it again. I mean that whole-heartedly.

2) As a "small business owner" who makes LESS than $250,000 a year, I think that a BIG piece of the picture that the GOP and the media are missing regards healthcare. Yes, Obama will raise taxes on $250k household from 35% to 39.6%, but if those small business owners are paying for their own healthcare, Obama's budget for his healthcare program will save them HUGE bucks if they opt in. And tell me why in god's name they wouldn't opt in.

3) The cap and trade portion of the budget is the smartest thing I've seen in ages. As long as he continues to implement ideas like this to increase revenue, I'm exceedingly happy.