Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The search for authentic GOP voices

I'm officially on the hunt for some truly original GOP or conservative voices. The party seems to be at a true breaking point, and will need to develop a drastically different message if it is to survive in a time when minorities are becoming the majority and the newer generation has a higher tolerance for individual differences in lifestyle and belief.

That isn't to suggest that I think conservatives or the GOP need to abandon their core values. Fiscal conservatism always has a place in a society that values responsibility and sacrifice. However, fiscal conservatism in the form of obstructionism is not a governing philosophy.

Who is going to embody the "New Republicansim"?

One voice making headlines is Meghan McCain. The Senator's daughter has been raising eyebrows with her every woman blogversation, straight talk (eh-hem), and inclusive personal outlook in her blog on the Daily Beast.

Another VERY intersesting voice is that of Frank Schaeffer, an original Religious Right-er cum Obama supporter and voice of reason. Schaeffer is clearly not a voice of conservatism, but he does provide interesting insight into the shrinking relevance of the Republican power structure in our current circumstance. Frankly, Schaeffer simply says what no Republican leader is able to say right now. Its truly refreshing.

One thing all of my favorite voices have in common is a willingness to stand up to the haters in the GOP, the Rush Limbaughs and Ann Coulters who peddle in ugliness. Certainly the left has not had the luxury of allowing our most vocal extremists speak for all of us. Its time the right lived up to the same standards of responsibility.

Here's Schaeffer's recent appearance on D.L. Hughley's show:

The Stewart/Cramer battle continues...

If you haven't been watching the war of words between Jon Stewart and CNBC's Jim Cramer, you're really missing out on something grand.

The battle started last week when Stewart took the financial news network to task for holding up as absolute authorities people who really had no idea what was happening with the economy, including Cramer. Cramer responded with a column on, accusing Jon Stewart of taking facts out of context. Stewart parried with a broader look at Jim Cramer's record of offering bad advice.

Cramer's next move can only be described as an all out PR blitz to defend his reputation, appearing on NBC's The Today Show and MSNBC's Morning Joe. And, coming through with flying colors, Jon Stewart fired back at Cramer last night.

These clips are long, but worth it in their prescience. And, BONUS: you get to hear Joe Scarborough complain about Jon Stewart's practice of cherry-picking and ridiculing sound bites. That one is rich.