Thursday, June 28, 2007

Do You Need Another Reason to Buy American?

Toxic toys. Disintegrating tires. Poisoned toothpaste, pet food, and human food. Deadly baby formula. These are just the newest reasons not to buy MADE IN CHINA. But what about the other reasons? They've been there all along.

Outsourcing of American jobs. Loss of livable wages. Profit-at-any-cost corporations. Walmartification and the death of local business. Lack of quality control (um, YEAH). If you think all of those things aren't inextricably tied to MADE IN CHINA then, baby, you're just kidding yourself.

Did you need the FDA to tell you that buying from China was putting savings above safety, quality and even your health? Your family's health? You didn't, really. You knew it. Cheap food, cheap toys, cheap tablecloths are all products of corner-cutting, and China is at the top of that heap. Add to that the environmental impact of all those American dollars being sent to companies who demonstrate their value in their willingness to pollute with impunity.

Look through your house at everything that is Made in China and think about all the ways you're putting your health and the health of your family in China's hands. And ask yourself, "Did I sell my soul for WalMart's low prices?" Always.

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