Monday, October 20, 2008

GOP: crumbling from the center

To recap, let us note all of the Republicans who are now defecting from the John McCain/Rick Davis/Sarah Palin GOP:

Colin Powell - retired US Army General and fmr. Secretary of State
Ken Adelman - conservative Republican and original neo-con
Mickey Edwards - Fmr. Oklahoma Congressman and founding member of the Heritage Foundation
Christopher Buckley - National Review contributer, author, son of the late Wm. F. Buckley
Peggy Noonan - Fmr. Reagan speechwriter, author, and conservative columnist
George Will - conservative columnist
David Brooks - conservative columnist
Michael Smerconish - conservative talk-show host and author

I have to say, one thing I love about Peggy Noonan is that she speaks EXACTLY as she writes.  Its just archaic and wonderful.

Granted, McCain and Davis would write all of this off as the treachery of the irrelevant Georgetown cocktail circuit, but that may be even more evidence of how these people are narrowing the party.

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