Thursday, October 02, 2008

Thoughts on the VEEP debate

A draw. I thought Sarah Palin outperformed incredibly low expectations. I don't think she shined to the extent that she changes any undecided minds. But Joe Biden did a wonderful job of thoughtfully engaging and being substantive without offending. All in all, I thought it was an enjoyable debate: not especially challenging, but not especially phoney.

This is not a game changer, but you can bet that the punditry will have less to mock about Sarah Palin. For that, she made me respect her again as a woman .

FYI, the Manhattan was the right drink to accompany this debate: fun and a little substantive. What will be the drink for election night? Comments?

1 comment:

Sydney MacLean said...

Depends on whose winning. If it's Obama, champaign is a classic. If it's McCain, something a bit harder... like ether.

As for the debates, I only watched the first 20 minutes, but from what I saw, Sarah Palin just made a series of accusations which Biden had to spend most of his time refuting.

Biden had that same smile on his face that Bogey gets before slapping a dame.