Monday, January 26, 2009

A human horror that should not be ignored: rape in Congo

This story is so difficult to listen to, but chalk this up to something we should all face periodically: the systematic rape of women and children as a form or warfare.

This story on NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday had my husband and I dumbfounded, quiet, and profoundly sad this weekend. In it, Scott Simon interviews the playwright Eve Ensler and Dr. Denis Mukwege, "the founder of a hospital in Congo that's helping victims of rape and mutilation":
Mukwege, a gynecologist, founded the Panzi hospital in the Congo — a place where victims can find treatment and counseling. He's been honored by the United Nations for his humanitarian work there.

Honored may be the most mild way one should regard Dr. Mukwege. The things he describes are tragic and outraging and remind us all that we can and should - we MUST - do more.

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