Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is the President doing too much? WTF?

Every once in a while, I feel like sending out a reality check from the exurbs. Here's the newest idea floated by the beltway and the media: Is the President doing too much?

I can't even justify this one with an attempt at understanding. Do you know how big the Executive Branch staff is? Do you know how many people we have in Washington taking paychecks on our behalf? Dem or Repub, I think you do!

Let me state the obvious, for the record: we expect our government to walk and chew gum at the same time. We expect our leaders to be able to handle more than one thing at a time. What's that that the GOP is always saying about how we "regular Americans" can handle our checkbooks and we expect our government to do the same? Word to the GOP: we expect you to be able to multi-task a bit too.

While this may be too much for the geniuses who gave us the Iraq war, the Katrina disaster, inept drug coverage and the economic meltdown to handle, it is expected nonetheless.

Let me put it another way: I don't care what the GOP thinks. They need to prove to me that they can do anything - ANYTHING - constructive before they have any right to speak to "The American People." They also need to show that they can work with Dems on a Dem initiative before I am willing to consider a WORD from them on bipartisanship.

For far too long our government has told us that we are a nation of can't: can't do better with Katrina, can't do better against Al Qaida, can't solve the country's healthcare problems, can't hold people and institutions accountable from government officials to Wall Street firms, can't protect the nation and uphold the Constitution at the same time.

Chalk me up to one of the Americans who calls BS on all of this. Call me an idealist. Fine. But I do believe that we are a CAN do nation, capeable of marrying our motiviation with our innovation for the sake of a better society for all.

And by the way, that is NOT the definition of socialism. If you've heard it on TV, you don't know what it means. Look it up.


Sydney MacLean said...

Republican pundit: someone who takes the concerns of the rich and manages to spin it in a way that makes poor people care

Chattering Lass said...
