Monday, October 06, 2008

The takeaway: the falling DOW

OK. For god's sake.

If you thought that the "Bailout/Rescue/Recovery Bill" was going to prevent the STOCK MARKET from falling, you need to school yourself a little bit about what this "economic disaster" we're going through is about.

The recent bill was meant to get credit moving which keeps business from HALTING. It does not "fix" the economic problems we have.

Of course you can't count on the press to report that. According to Andrea Mitchell in front of me, we're all out here saying "HEY! I thought I spent $770 billion to FIX this s%&t" and we don't understand what's going on!

Um, I don't think we're that idiotic. Are we?

Chalk this up to the same electorate that complains that it doesn't know what Barack Obama stands for. Um, are you kidding me? There is NO EXCUSE for lack of understanding in this day and age. Folks, internet. Internet, folks. Get together and figure something out, would ya?

1 comment:

Sydney MacLean said...

Why do democrats always get stuck with this fictitious "I don't know where he stands" label while republicans who actually exhibit this quality are called "mavericks?"