Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What we really think of attack ads

Just a thought, but when the media and political operatives say that we, the people of America, hate political attacks, and that the Obama and McCain campaigns are engaging in attacks, does that mean that all attacks are equally bad?  

Bear with me here.

If a candidate attacks his oponent's policies, plans, and records, that's one thing.

But if a candidate attacks the opponent's character and patriotism, isn't that something else entirely?

I'm just thinking that, just because we all hate political attacks, it doesn't mean that all attacks are created equal.

1 comment:

Sydney MacLean said...

I agree with that.

Personally, I've taken enough film classes that my mind just shuts down when I get a whiff of Leni Riefenstahl.

I think the democrats need to start attacking in their debates. I've long said that a debate should be the boxing match of politics and too often it comes off as Mohammed Ali versus Gandhi. Not because the Republicans are good, but because the democrats keep on championing turning the other cheek.

When Palin or McCain challenge their economic policy, all I hear from Obama/Biden is that they don't understand it. That's a good block, but how about a few jabs and an uppercut to go with that?

No one votes for the mouth-breather with the wedgie no matter how smart he is. The democrats have to be willing to become unlikable based on the merits if they don't want to become unlikable based on the slander.